I'm Rixi


Dungeons & Dragons has the unique side effect of evoking emotions you didn’t expect.

Through the mask of our characters we can find real growth and truly experience real expression of our emotions. When Rixi Designs was founded (at the time under a different name), I was entwined with people in my life who were closer to me than blood relations. I would move the Nine Hells for them. Events came to light that shattered that entanglement. I was left devastated, hurt, longing, grieving, and crumbled.

In its wake defining aspects of myself came into question, every shard had to be sorted through. In the months that came, I poured myself into my designs, as an outlet of emotional processing and maybe a touch of spite. As the resin fell into the molds, so did the emotions I was dealing with.

Now on the other side of the deep chasm I was left in, I’ve emerged as a truer version of myself with a new view of the world ahead of me. I’ve learned what a set of dice can mean to a character. What that character can mean to a player. With every drop of resin, every blotch of ink, and every tiny insert I infuse these designs with every empowering emotion that character represents and that player deserves.

I’ve delved into the world of crystals, gemstones, and ores, drawing inspiration from their unique qualities to create meaningful artistic pieces. These creations have been invaluable on my personal journey, offering solace and guidance. It's my sincere hope that these emotionally crafted and thoughtfully curated pieces can provide comfort and assistance to others as well.

Rixi Dice

Rixi Designs is founded on the belief that imagination, play, and personal growth are the cornerstones of realizing the best within each and every one of us.