Frequently Asked Questions

For all other questions, inquiries, or random thoughts, contact us


Do you allow open box?
We do allow for open box up to 1 month. All invoices must still be paid within 48 hours of being posted.
How do I pay for the pieces I claimed during live shows?
Head to the livestream section here to see your personal invoice with your username/handle & date.
Claim responsibility - no put backs or switches
To claim an item during our livestream simply type the code and price for each piece. Ex: MA55. MA is the code and 55 is the price.


What if a package is delayed/damaged/lost?
You will and should have a tracking number that has been sent, which we can both track your packages process. Most postal services have a 3 day “whoops” period. If in that time they are still not delivered, if they have been damaged, or confirmed lost please reach out to us and we will do all we can to make sure your fate fighters find their way home.
How long will my order take to ship?
Once confirmed, completed, and paid we will have them out within the next 7 days from finish. Which you’ll receive a tracking number as soon as sent out.
What is your exchange/return policy?
This will be decided on a case by case scenario, please just reach out to us and we’ll do our best to accommodate the best solution.
Do you ship internationally?
We are more than happy to ship to any country we are able to, the shipping cost is the buyer's responsibility. We will source the best pricing we can and offer options for timelines as well! So far we’ve shipped to 11 different countries and counting!


Are the dice balanced?
Our dice are as balanced and perfect as human hands can make them; which is pretty balanced. They should be perfectly acceptable for casual play. Fun fact: Casino dice are the only manufactured gaming dice that are within 99.99% accurate.
Are your dice handmade?
Yes! Our dice are 100% hand made from start to finish. No other set in the universe will ever be the ones in your hands!